Kim Colegrove was living a successful life as a corporate trainer looking forward to her husband’s retirement from federal law enforcement. He had big plans to finally launch his business – an idea he’d been working on for years. 

Three months after his last day at work, he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. 

In the aftermath, Kim saw the warning signs that now seemed obvious but at the time were just little blips on the path towards his new career. 

Kim’s work in the corporate world turned her towards a new purpose in life – building more resilient first responders. 

In this episode you’ll learn: 

  • How Kim’s childhood as the daughter of hippies set her on a path to help cops build resilience. 
  • How Kim handled the devastating news of her husband’s suicide. 
  • Why Kim chose to leave a successful career to teach mindfulness to cops. 
  • Kim’s top recommendations for how to start a mindfulness practice of your own. 

You can learn more about Kim and her work at

If you’re struggling and need immediate help, try these resources. Safe Call Now 206-259-3020, Copline 1-800-267-5463, National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255. 

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