Briefing Topic: Why Are You Here Redux

Briefing Topic: Why Are You Here Redux

In this short episode I’m challenging you to be more self-aware about what motivates you and inspires you to go out and do the hard work that we do. There’s a well-known saying that during a critical incident, when everything is on the line, we don’t...
Briefing Topic: The S.W.A.T. Analysis

Briefing Topic: The S.W.A.T. Analysis

This week we discuss a way to check in with yourself and review where you’re at in relation to where you want to go. It’s actually learned in business school but have tweaked over the years to fit my use, and I think it’ll help you too. It’s...
Briefing Topic: What’s Your 20?

Briefing Topic: What’s Your 20?

10-20 in cop speak (in my area) means, “what’s your location?” Goals are great. They’re important. But it’s impossible to know where to go if you don’t know where you’re coming from. When you respond to a call, your route will...