Sergeant Aaron Lohman returns for his second appearance on The Squad Room and he doesn’t disappoint with his no-holds barred style of personal growth and leadership. We last checked in with Aaron in 2017 and a lot has changed. He made sergeant, had a few transfers and now is one of the first staffers at NYPD’s new and unique Health & Wellness Unit. Aaron rose to prominence through his social media account @huge_fat_loser where he documented his amazing weight loss and attitude change.

In this episode you will learn: How Aaron took control of his life, shifted his attitude and became a different person.

  • How Aaron decided to take control of his health and his mindset and reversed years of negative thoughts and behavior.
  • Why he decided to promote and what has been the biggest adjustment to putting on stripes.
  • His new mission to lead the charge on getting cops healthy.
  • What he’s learned losing over 200 pounds.

Aaron is also a new podcaster now with his own show, “Notorious HFL” and you can check that out wherever you get your podcasts.

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